Your punctuality is greatly appreciated and will determine the length of your treatment. Please arrive shortly before your reserved time. Guests arriving more than 10 minutes late may need to be rescheduled to another date or have their services altered to a service that can be performed in the remaining time. Payment for the originally scheduled service will be charged. Please call 641-753-4095 should you be running late.
For services that may be new to you, please plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to your reservation to allow time for any intake. Upon arrival, we ask that you be courteous to other guests and kindly silence all mobile devices.
Cancellation Policy
Please note our strict cancellation policy and understand we have reserved your appointment time specifically for you. Our cancellation policy is in place to respect the time of our service professionals, as well as guests on our waiting list.
While we understand emergencies and schedule changes can happen, we request 24 hours notice to reschedule or cancel your reservation, and 48 hours for services longer than 2 hours in duration. A credit card on file is required for all services. Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours will be charged 50% of the reservation; less than two hours notice, including no shows will be charged for the entirety of the reserved services. We request 48 hours notice for services over 2 hours, as well as reservations with multiple guests.
We further reserve the right to decline reservations for guests who repeatedly cancel last minute or no show.
Age Restrictions
While we love children, we work in an environment with chemicals and hot tools, which can be provide an unsafe environment for children. For the safety of your children and the consideration of our guests, all children under the age of 10 are invited to aSPArations by reservation only, and only for the duration of their reservation.
Cell Phones Personal Electronic Devices & Cameras
We strive to provide our clients with a tranquil and private escape from the outside world. Please help by silencing cell phones and personal electronic devices.
We recommend that you do not bring valuables with you. aSPArations is not responsible for damage or loss of your personal items.